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Mission Statement

The Maritime Heritage Trust aims to make more people aware of, care for and share our rich maritime heritage in all its dimensions– physical, cultural, social and environmental.

We support the growing global recognition that we have a shared “maritime heritage in which built heritage, lighthouses, ports, ships, wrecks, underwater archaeological discoveries, traditions and songs, knowledge and legends and maritime cultural heritage, are a reflection of our history and our identities and call us to be aware of their richness, take care through preservation, conservation and restoration and share with as many as possible” (Maritime Cultural Heritage Manifesto, Brest, February 2022, an input to the UN Oceans Conference, Lisbon June 2022).

Maritime Heritage Trust goals

  1. To help engage more people of all ages and backgrounds with the wider maritime heritage in the UK, through working closely with National Historic Ships UK and other maritime heritage partners, through promotion, education and fund-raising initiatives and through initiatives such as webinars, crowdfunding visit and events;
  1. To help develop the Heritage Harbours initiative with local partners and projects, working with National Historic Ships and Historic England so as to better connect vessels and harbour facilities with local communities, archaeology, buildings and environment, cultural heritage including art and photographic records, and to strengthen support for and improve conservation of this heritage, locally and nationally;
  1. To engage with environmental and sustainability challenges and opportunities for the wider maritime heritage for example by encouraging sail cargo, developing greener fuels for powered vessels, identifying and planning for local climate change impacts, supporting skills and marine heritage learning and highlighting the health and wellbeing benefits of maritime heritage;
  1. To support and represent MHT members on specific issues for example in relation to regulation on mooring of vessels or planning issues affecting harbour facilities, to pass on advice from collective experience of maritime heritage projects, to support innovation across the sector and to help represent the interests and concerns of UK maritime heritage at both European and global level.
  2. Continue supporting the work of European Maritime Heritage